TriEngine  v0.0.16
General-purpose engine in C#/OpenGL
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
  |oCAudioManagerClass to manage engine audio.
  |oCIAudioManagerProvides various methods to manipulate audio.
  |oCISongA song that will be streamed in the audio player.
  |oCISoundA sound file for use with the audio manager.
  |oCNullAudioManagerUsed as a fallback AudioManager object when the service locator fails to find one.
  |oCNullSongFallback song class used in NullAudioManager.
  |oCNullSoundFallback sound class used in NullAudioManager.
  |oCSongSong class that can be used with AudioManager.
  |\CSoundSound class that can be used with the AudioManager.
  |oCByteExtensionsExtensions for System.Byte.
  |oCDecimalExtensionsExtensions for System.Decimal.
  |oCDoubleExtensionsExtensions for System.Double.
  |oCEnumerationExtensionsExtensions for System.Enum.
  |oCFloatExtensionsExtensions for System.Single.
  |oCIntegerExtensionsExtensions for System.Int16, System.UInt16, System.Int32, System.UInt32, System.Int64 and System.UInt64.
  |oCStringExtensionsExtensions for System.String
  |oCVector3ExtensionsExtensions for Vector3.
  |\CVector4ExtensionsExtensions for Vector4.
  |oCPrimitiveRepresents a primitive 2D shape composed of triangles.
  |oCRectangleA primitive 2D Rectangle shape.
  |\CTriangleA primitive 2D Triangle shape.
  |oCExceptionsProvides helper methods for dealing with exceptions.
  |oCIOProvides various helper functions for doing IO operations.
  |oCMathVarious helper methods for working with math.
  |\CThreadingProvides various helper functions for doing threading operations.
  ||oCKeyEventArgsEventArgs class used for key-related events. Contains information about the key related with the event.
  ||\CKeyCharEventArgsEventArgs class used for keychar-related events. Contains information about the character related with the event.
  |oCIInputManagerProvides various methods to query input devices like the keyboard.
  |oCInputManagerInput manager interfacing with input methods provided by a GameWindow.
  |\CNullInputManagerUsed as a fallback InputManager object when the service locator fails to find one.
  |oCIDrawableImplements a simple draw method.
  |oCIDrawableGameComponentA game component that can be added to GameState objects. Drawable game components also implement a draw method to draw themselves to screen.
  |oCIGameComponentA game component that can be added to IGameState objects.
  |\CIUpdatableImplements a simple update method.
  |\CLogManagerClass to manage logging. ILog interfaces should be obtained from this class' methods, as opposed to calling default log4net methods.
  |\CHelpersHelper class with various methods to help native coding and debugging.
  |oCIResourceAn external resource created from a file.
  |oCResourceExceptionException for resource-related issues. Thrown when there is a problem in ResourceManager.
  |\CResourceManagerStatic class to manage resources.
  |\CSerializerProvides serialization methods.
  |\CShaderGLSL shader object loaded and compiled from a *.glsl shader file.
  |oCGameStateBase GameState class that all other game states derive from, defines basic GameState behaviour.
  |oCGameStateManagerGame state manager that keeps track of the active game states and provides methods to control the states.
  |oCIGameStateA game state that can be used with the game state manager. Represent a specific state of the game, like main menu and options screen.
  |\CIGameStateManagerGame state manager that keeps track of the active game states and provides methods to control the states.
  |oCFontHolds a specific font type.
  |oCFontConstructionConfigContainer class for different QFont configurations for use with the Font constructor.
  |oCITextObjectImplements methods to construct a text object and render it to screen.
  |\CTextObjectImplements the ITextObject interface.
  |oCControlBase control class that all other controls inherits from. Defines basic UI control behaviour.
  |oCControlManagerControl manager to manage various UI controls for a game.
  |oCIControlA UI control that can be drawn on screen and interacted with.
  |oCIControlManagerManages various UI controls, automatically updating and drawing them to the screen.
  |oCLabelA simple label to display text on the screen.
  |\CLinkLabelA label that, when clicked, will open a URL.
  oCColorRepresents an RGBA color that can be used with TriEngine2D.
  oCEngineExceptionBase exception class for all engine-related exceptions. The inner exception will contain more info as to what actually happened.
  oCGameWindow2DGame window class specialized for drawing 2D graphics.
  oCPoint< T >A struct representing an X/Y/Z coordinate.
  oCProgramAn OpenGL program.
  oCRectangleA rectangle representing an area in 2D space.
  oCServicesProvides different game-related service interfaces.
  \CVersionVersion class specifiying the version of this project.